PAVED- A Software suite for  the analysis of epigenome-derived next generation sequencing data







PAVED Package  

Example Data

Find the Fold Change Values

The utility foldChangeReadDepth takes as input two coverage files and finds fold changes between them


1) Find the coverage using one of the utilities findFragmentDepth or findReadDepth for both the control and experimental datasets

2) normalize these coverage values by using the utility normalizeDepthFile

How to run it?

Type java -jar PAVED.jar foldChangeReadDepth -h to see list of parameters

foldChangeReadDepth utility takes as input two coverage files and generates a file containing fold change values in wiggle format.

Run the utility as follows:

java -jar  C:\Britta\manuscript\Analysis\PAVED.jar foldChangeReadDepth -i C:\Britta\manuscript\Analysis\data\FAIRE\normalizedData\FAIREinputChr5PCRDuplRemFilteredNorm.depth -j C:\Britta\manuscript\Analysis\data\FAIRE\FAIRErep2Chr5PCRDuplRemFiltered.depth -o C:\Britta\manuscript\Analysis\data\FAIRE\normalizedData\FaireRepvsInput -k 0

Here, "
C:\Britta\manuscript\Analysis\" is the location where the jar file is present on the local disk, -i is the coverage file (control), -j is the coverage file (experimental), -k is the flag that should be set to 0 if you intend to find peaks and to 1 if you intend to find valleys and -o is the output fold change file in wiggle format.

Sample output

The sample output is as follows:

Line 1 contains a header followed by fold change values at each of the base positions. The positions where the denominator is zero, a character "a" is placed. To load it into IGV, replace "a" by 0.