PAVED- A Software suite for the analysis of epigenome-derived next generation sequencing data |
MAIN INDEX ANALYTICAL PIPELINE CONTACT SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS PAVED Package Example Data | Track and RestThe utility trackNRest finds the average fold change within the regions specified in the bed file and rest of the regions.Prerequisites1) Find the fold change using the utility foldChangeReadDepth.2) Find peaks or valleys using the utilities findValleys and findPeaks How to run it?Type java -jar PAVED.jar trackNRest -h to see list of parameterstrackNRest utility takes as input two parameters 1) fold change file in wiggle format and 2) region(s) of interest in .bed format Run the utility as follows:
Here, "C:\Britta\manuscript\Analysis" is the location where the jar file is present on the local disk, -i is the fold change wiggle file and -j is the bed file containing regions of interest. Sample outputThe sample output is as follows: (type PAVED.jar instead of PeakAndValleyDetector.jar)In the demo data, the fold change in the regions of interest is 8.04 and the rest of the regions have fold change of 1.79 |